Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Sentiments: Accept and Move on

To me an apology is closure, but we don't always get what we want or need. From personal experience, I've learned that when someone doesn't apologize it either means they 1) are stubborn or 2) don't care enough to make amends. Sometimes people are both stubborn and don't care. Either way, you cannot sit around and wait for an apology, that you're never gonna get. 

You have two choices to either accept that this person is not meant to be in your life or live with unresolved issues.
 If someone does something trivial that offends you, does not think they were wrong, doesn't think to apologize...I'd live with the unresolved issues. As long as your life and happiness are not at risk, you can move on...but it is still your choice.

 If someone does/says something that hurts you horribly, knows it, but refuses to apologize and accept that what they did was wrong. I'd personally move on and leave that relationship behind. If the person knows they have broken your heart and can't/won't apologize; that is a toxic relationship. You will be miserable and unhappy until you get out. 

When you accept an apology you never does not validate their actions, but it strengthens you. 
I hope everyone can find the strength that is inside all of us to move on and live in peace surrounded by genuine, encouraging people.
xoxo, Maddie

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